Sale! 54%
(442 customer reviews)

Gym and Travel Bag for Men and Women

$ 21.90$ 41.00

Black BigBlack SmallBlack XLBlue BigBlue SmallDeep Grey BigDeep Grey SmallDeep Grey XLGray BigGrey SmallHandbag Black LHandbag Black MHandbag Pink LHandbag Pink MStyle 1 BlackStyle 1 BlueStyle 1 GreyStyle 1 Red
Russian Federation
SKU: 32819666878 Categories: , , , Tags: , , , ,


Material: High-quality Waterproof Nylon
Plus XL size: 30cmx55cmx30cm(HxLxW)
Big size: 26cmx45cmx26cm(HxLxW)
Small size: 22cmx39cmx22cm(HxLxW)
NOTE: Small size only has an independent shoe storage pocket, Big size has independent shoe storage and has a bag for wet things.

Additional information



Type of sports



High quality waterproof Nylon

Big size

26 cmx45cmx26cm(HxLxW)

Small size


Plus XL

30 cmx 55cmx 30cm(HxLxW)

442 reviews for Gym and Travel Bag for Men and Women

  1. O***a

    I took the biggest super big because I like not to shove and quietly fold 🙂 so in my climbed-sneakers 40 size not sneakers, slippers, bath towel, small towel, bottle 0,5, bag with swimsuit and hat, cosmetic bag with creams (not small), shower cosmetic bag with shampoo mask and so on. It all got easy and with the song and when you are already going home and you do not want to fold everything beautifully-everything is thrown and you disassemble at home-also fit. So if you have and Bassik then take super big. The accessories are all excellent, many convenient small pockets and a compartment for wet, shorter solid 5!

  2. M***a

    All Oki according to the description

  3. S***s

    11일만에 도착. 감사.

  4. A***S

    Like in the picture. Minsk reached very quickly-in 3 weeks.

  5. Customer


  6. G***r

    The bag surpassed expectations, quality, performance is all excellent, I recommend!

  7. J***y

    todo conforme a lo enunciado medidas exactas el color cambia pedí gris y es como un beige pero nada mal.,…algunos problemas para que llegará ya que la mercancía está siendo retenida en aduanas de Colombia

  8. L***l

    The bag at the top is narrowed like a briefcase. The smell of chemistry is the strongest. They left it for 3 weeks while they went on vacation. Let’s see how it will be later

  9. A***v

    The order arrived 12 days before Altai. The bag is high quality enough

  10. A***v

    Great sports bag! Good quality of tailoring, there are no sticking threads, no unpleasant smell. The goods were delivered on time. Recommend!

  11. R***k

    Good quality, reached a week

  12. R***k

    Tylko ze przyszła mniejsza niż miała I recived smaller then I ordered

  13. J***n

    товар очень качественный. беру уже второй раз и не пожалел. продавцу спасибо. однозначно рекомендуется. банные вещи и принадлежности 2 людей вмещаются без проблем.

  14. Customer

    Product complies with the description and the quality seems at the rendezvous. The different pockets are well positioned and well thought out. Attention to the zipper that looks fragile (to see in intensive use).

  15. A***a

    The bag is comfortable, small, just like I wanted)

  16. S***A

    Bag, as in the description …. The parcel came even earlier. Son is satisfied with, just the workout all OK!

  17. O***n

    Норм материал. Все молнии рабочие, не закусывают. Соответствует описанию

  18. N***a

    Сумка очень понравилась, материал прочный, сшита качественно. Рекомендую.

  19. E***v

    хорошая сумка. девушке понравилась

  20. M***I

    I bought the smallest size but what I expected to be so small for the material ashov it is excellent and its price is acceptable but must make sure the size before buying… I hope that I will inform you 🙂

  21. A***i

    Long went

  22. O***y

    Even the refrigerator is

  23. Customer

    Finalmente è arrivata! La disputa l’ho chiusa, ma ho aspettato un sacco, ma devo dire che valeva la pena ad aspettare perchè è un ottimo prodotto! Consiglio il venditore!

  24. Customer


  25. E***r

    I received the parcel. The goods are very satisfied. Thank you very much to the store.

  26. S***n

    It’s just about ok size

  27. S***i

    i took medium size but its still small size!!

  28. V***y

    The bag is really small, at first it was even upset, but in fact it was very roomy, everything and even the place remained. So for the gym the most it.

  29. S***.

    Хорошая сумка, для тренировок самое то э. Брал размер BIG. Всё отлично, не скажу что сильно большая. После заказа, попросил продавца заменить цвет сумки, он заменил. Всё супер!

  30. A***k


  31. N***a

    отличная сумка

  32. I***o

    Отримала сьогодні сумку, до Києва йшла місяць і три тижні. Я в захваті, найвдаліша моя покупка на Алі. Брала середнього розміру, сумка невеличка, але дуже містка. Окремі відсіки для різного спорядження дуже важливі для мене, адже я займаюсь в залі, а потім йду в басейн, тому речей з собою ношу багато. Вміщує все: кросівки, капці, два рушника, футболка, лоси, купальник, шапочка, окуляри, банні засоби, косметичні засоби, пуловер. Дякую продавцю за подарунок! (пов’язка на голову для занять спортом)

  33. T***t

    To St. Petersburg in 9 days. Track tracked!!! The bag is roomy, but if little is lying then just like a confused bag!!! The form does not hold keep in mind. I bought for a sports hall so it will do! Semi-empty wear is not possible the bottom is soft and it folds!!! For this money still nothing decent to find. Sewed perfectly. Suitable for boys and girls. I took a small but everything for sports got in. Sneakers, sneakers, T-shirt, gloves, a bottle for water, bandages, a towel and a place still left!

  34. B***c

    awesome bag, all gym equipment fits perfectly

  35. Customer

    Very fast shipping and good quality. It’s small then i thought but it should be ok.

  36. Customer

    Beautiful and practical Bag for Sports

  37. I***v

    Great bag! Basketball sneakers 11us size, bath towel, slippers and 2 sets of forms on an adult enter and still remains a place!

  38. 중***김


  39. V***v

    The bag looks decent. Seams and locks are quality. Recommend.

  40. P***v

    Great bag. Came in for 3 weeks. I bought a medium size, pre-measured all the things that should go in there and not be mistaken. She perfectly approached))). Light and comfortable. There is a department for shoes (crosses went there with slates perfectly). From another kamashka department apparently for bath accessories. There i went shower gel. THE main Department вошло all остально, and this Shorts, T shirt, towel, another towel and bottle доя water. I am very pleased with the purchase. Looks pretty stylish. Perfect in general for me. By the way, sdecom came, the courier brought.

  41. S***h

    Обувь 42 размера влезла

  42. R***r

    The order was 26.08, came to ufa 18.09. Sdek called and brought it.

  43. O***a

    Convenient, for the gym just a find, but in the pool I’m small, I want with my prof-hair dryer, and it’s not small. Black color is very stylish, suitable for blackstyle

  44. J***o

    buena terminación y calidad

  45. E***o

    Excellent bag, qualitatively executed, looks decent.

  46. S***z

    продавец хороший, доставка заняла 15 дней, Я удивлен. Товар хороший, советую.

  47. 0***r

    Замечательная сумка, качественная, замки хорошие, миниатюрная. Однозначно советую, спасибо продавцу.

  48. A***v

    Заказал сумку для командировки. Сразу скажу-маловата. Хотел максимальный размер, но именно такого фасона максимального почему-то нет у продавца. Если положить в отдел обувь, то в саму сумку много не покладёшь. Так всё прошито, молнии нормальные. Есть термический отдел, в который можно положить продукты. Удобные карабины на лямке, сама она регулируется по длине. Запаха нет. Цену можно конечно и ниже. Доставку заказывал в “пятерочку”, пришло за неделю. Для тренировок наверное самое то, когда вещей не сильно много. Для путешествий надо бы сумку чуть больше.

  49. A***o

    по качеству вопросов нет. уже заказывал ранее у этого продавца, но другой размер.так что всё ок, можно брать!

  50. I***i

    Long delivery, but looks great.

  51. C***T

    Very happy!! I think to redo another order

  52. G***a

    соответствует описанию.но нажала не на тот цвет.попросила сразу чтоб другой положили.просьбу не удовлетворили.огорчена

  53. Customer

    Delivery in time. The goods are satisfied.

  54. E***a

    очень компактная сумка, но влезает куча вещей. удобная. рекомендую. брала самую маленькую

  55. I***v

    сумка понравилась. много карманов удобных. качество сгодится за такие деньги.

  56. S***n

    The bag is excellent, but small. I put it all in. Straight in the butt. The quality is excellent. Delivery speed is bomb. Thanks store

  57. D***а

    за неделю дошло до Татарстана, очень быстро. сумка классная, плотный материал, есть кармашки на все случаи жизни))) никакого запаха не было. только даже большой размер выглядит маленьким. но в спортзал ходить самое то, рекомендую. один в один как на фото.

  58. I***r

    Good quality

  59. V***r

    Normal bag, seams are good

  60. V***s

    I love it is exactly like the picture and exactly what I wanted. Very fast delivery. Thank you

  61. A***s

    Arrived timely. Awesome bag. Great store

  62. I***n

    Thank you. Looking good bag. Recommended

  63. D***v

    The bag makes a good impression. Everything you need in the gym: sneakers, shower slippers, shape, large towel, hygiene products, clothes change, fit without problems and not even noticeable. Quite still fit two pairs of boxing gloves. Many offices. I especially liked the compartment for wet things. Locks are not bad and not excellent-medium, but should be enough (subjective opinion)

  64. Customer

    I recommend the store exactly as in the description the material is pleasant as it is not strange but everything fit in this baby)))

  65. D***n

    Товар указан верно, но доставили за 26+ дней. Но всё в порядке!

  66. J***r

    Super Tasche für das Fitnessstudio

  67. D***v

    Cool bag, roomy, many pockets. All climbs)

  68. O***a

    Excellent bag-there is a compartment under shoes, and under wet, well stitched. Let’s see how it will be in operation.

  69. Customer

    Seller sent wrong size but refunded, good man, for this 5 stars

  70. A***v

    Very fast delivery, bag for the child is the most. Great size.

  71. H***I

    Excellent bag as described

  72. P***a

    The bag went 2 weeks. Bag size XL is roomy. Many pockets, inside for small things, outside the front two, on the sides Thermo department, for shoes Department also roomy fit both crosses and sneakers. The material is dense, the lining is also quite dense. Fittings are good.

  73. A***n

    For their money, the bag is good. Seller fast.

  74. E***v

    Super quality. Very comfortable bag.

  75. N***v


  76. K***r

    The bag is just super. “Past” has all the compartments necessary for training. I took it to the gym. Fast shipping. Thanks to the store

  77. K***n

    качество супер!

  78. S***r


  79. D***n

    Less than I thought.

  80. Customer

    Great bag. For the Hall is the most it!

  81. 1***r

    Цена, качество! С продавцом не общался

  82. A***n

    Быстрая доставка, отличное качество.

  83. S***n

    The bag is excellent! Super quality! Packed well. Delivered very quickly (to Nizhny Novgorod for 13 days). Seller advise!

  84. Customer

    Заказ пришел быстро. Сумка хорошая, очень понравилась. Продавца рекомендую.

  85. M***r

    Bag satisfied, did not expect such quality for such a price, I recommend

  86. A***t

    was shipped and delivered very quickly…thanks for the good service

  87. P***p

    Great bag

  88. V***v

    сумка очень удобная

  89. R***n

    Ordered medium in size. A little less than indicated. Length 42, instead of 45. The rest is true. The bag went very long, more than 5 weeks. Came through ukrmail. Packed in a zipper bag. Has a smell, it is better to leave it on the balcony to fade. By offices everything is super. Department for shoes pleased. Many pockets for different trifles. In general, for such a price is the best choice. Analogs branded cost several times more expensive.

  90. T***s

    сумка хорошая. может быть нужно было побольше , еще не поняла. влезло плотнечком: женские кроссовки, сланцы, лосины, топ, полотенце- не большое, бутылочка

  91. U***a

    A small bag. Fabric and accessories are decent. Can take)

  92. F***s

    Good quality and fast shipment. took xl size. plenty of compartments

  93. G***g

    Good quality bag, size 37*20*20 Came for 2 weeks in Moscow. The store was not contacted, there was no need.

  94. N***n

    Chic bag! Took small children to the pool walk, size just right! Quality pleased, I recommend!

  95. Y***v

    Bag received. Satisfied. there is a little smell, not critical. I thought it would be larger, but things all fit. The quality of tailoring and materials on a solid fourth. For me, a beginner crossfiter, quite an acceptable option. There are no complaints to the store.

  96. N***r

    все ок, телефон супер, получил быстро!)

  97. Customer

    Smaller than expected

  98. E***s

    сумка хорошего качества, прошита нормально, нитки не торчат, вид приличный. пришла быстро.

  99. D***v

    Сумка огонь

  100. Customer

    Человек на картинке вводит в заблуждение относительно размеров сумки. Похоже на фотомонтаж!

  101. J***

    Arrived in 3 weeks. A little smaller than I imagined. Smells new but not unpleasant.

  102. V***n

    Нормальная, компактная сумка! Товар и продавца советую.

  103. M***h

    very good store.

  104. I***a

    The bag is fire. I came in a week. The material of the top and lining is dense. I’m delighted.

  105. A***t

    Quality is normal, more to say and nothing

  106. Customer

    lo que esperaba de la bolsa la talla es exacta

  107. C***r

    Bag is very beautiful, has great size. Loved. Back then to put photos. Thank you very much.

  108. P***v

    The goods in the Orenburg region came about 2 weeks. There are no complaints about the quality of the bag. There is a thermo department, a Department for shoes, extras. Pockets. Shoes, boxing helmet, gloves fit, for the gym the very thing. The only thing that does not like but this claim is not specifically to this bag that come crumpled as from the ass.

  109. A***o

    The bag is great. Fully corresponds to the description and reviews. I came quickly. Seller Thank you

  110. V***v

    When the bag came, I realized it was necessary to take a larger size…

  111. K***a

    Хорошая, удобная сумка! Товаром доволен,все,как в описании. Спасибо продавцу !

  112. A***s

    The product is excellent

  113. 0***r

    Качество , огонь !!!

  114. M***v

    Заказом доволен, спасибо большое!

  115. K***a

    Bag quickly rated. size slightly less. Unique synthetic leather smell slightly. Needlework condition is good. Big bike seat assembly.

  116. Customer

    The order is issued 11.11, with all discounts cost 736 rubles. Delivery, unfortunately, this time in the most miserable way-at the point of issue sdek. Last time asked the store to send through regular mail, in this note did not leave and he unwillingly sent sdek. Of course, because of this, as usual, with delivery there were problems, the point of issue was very far away, the request for transfer to the nearest point worked only from the second time and after that, how we came to pick up a parcel that, as it turned out, has not yet arrived there. In general, instead of 27.11, the parcel managed to get only 1.12. Plus for the sake of the bag had to personally fart at the point of issue, instead of OPS, where I regularly take other parcels. This left an unpleasant sediment, but since I really liked both bags (small blue and gray), I did not reduce the stars. Many offices, although it looks small, but really very roomy. Pleases a special compartment for shoes with “ventilation”.

  117. V***v

    Great product. Qualitatively neatly made, dense material. Corresponds to the description. I was not enough, gave the child, I ordered more here.

  118. J***a

    Отличная сумка, вместительная, много карманов разных, внутри дополнительный карман для мелочи/документов, единственно карман для мокрого белья немного маловат и внутри он как просто клеёнка, правда плотная, без обшивки материалом. Цвет точно как на фото. Быстрая доставка раньше заявленного срока на 3 недели. Спасибо продавцу.

  119. D***v

    Color, quality, everything is fine! Everything fits perfectly.

  120. R***r

    Отличные сумки. Вторую для сына заказал. Размеры соответствует. Качество на уровне.

  121. P***i

    не знаю, почему некоторые жалуются на размер, мне отлично подошёл (не люблю громоздкие сумки) обувь влазиет (44 размер, но можно и больше запихнуть). полотенца рекомендую из микрофибры. в отделение для мокрого плавки помещаются. тормозок не влезет, небольшое отделение. товаром доволен, продавца рекомендую.

  122. A***e

    very happy with the purchase. Good quality, amazing style. Also like the size – it is not very big, but everything fits perfect. This is a small size pictures

  123. A***v

    Сумка полностью оправдала ожидания. Брал для бассейна. Все необходимое помещается без проблем. Очень порадовало наличие специального кармана для обуви и отделения для мокрого белья. Доставка очень быстрая. Рекомендую продавца и сумку.

  124. A***v

    Durable medium capacity bag

  125. J***e

    Usually women bead fit

  126. T***a

    Пакет был надрезан, но слава богу сумка не пострадала. Всё что нужно влезло выглядит очень хорошо)

  127. R***v

    There was a situation, everything was solved. I recommend the store and the store.

  128. N***a

    A good bag, came quickly, there is a compartment with a lining to keep the temperature, until they tried how well to maintain the temperature

  129. A***a

    I liked my husband. Bag for training itself. There is a hidden pocket for shoes, very convenient. And also a compartment for smelly socks))) isolated from everything)

  130. A***n

    Большая была лучше. В сумке карман выполнен из полиэтилена. Хоть и из прочного, но все же это пакет.))) но материал сумки хороший. В целом – доволен.

  131. D***v

    The bag came very quickly, but the store sent the wrong size, instead of the big size, sent small

  132. M***a

    Excellent bag, very satisfied. Many pockets, everything fits, very everything is convenient. The soft cover on the long handle is quite massive, i took it off, because i do not wear anything particularly heavy in the bag.

  133. S***g


  134. L***a

    Сумка отличная, дефектов не обнаружила. Покупала мужу в спортзал, но поняла, что она ему маловата будет. Поэтому с удовольствием оставила ее себе, а супругу купила такую же, но большого размера.

  135. A***v

    сумка отличная, радует многофункциональностью, кучей отделов (часть из назначения которых только предстоит выяснить). Единственное, размер, который значится “Big”, – достаточно компактен и если кроссовки 45 размера туда помещаются (я переживал), то остального места – не очень много. Мне хватает, но если Вы на тренировку берёте кучу всего – выбирайте самый большой размер.

  136. Customer

    The bag is good, roomy and comfortable sections are, with the size of the truth overdid, and as satisfied as an elephant

  137. P***n

    top product

  138. M***v

    Ordered on Feb. 25, got on Apr. 17. Great bag, buying a second one.

  139. R***r


  140. F***

    I thought it would be bigger, but it’s perfect! I like it very much, quite space and many compartments! I’m fast.

  141. P***k

    Dotavka in Altai territory for 20 days. The fabric, as I weary, will be a little dirty. Stitched well. The only negative is the fastening of the belt plastic (in the photo you can see). How much will it survive-do not guess. And if for my size it is uncritical, then for large sizes-already an occasion to think

  142. N***a

    The bag is not as chic as the reviews. If you compare with the previous used hama bag. But, in general, thought well.

  143. R***n

    Excellent bag, I recommend!!

  144. Customer

    The name is big, and even sneakers do not fit. It’s easier to buy a large bag in the nearest store. Material is good in general

  145. A***v

    классная сумка, влезло все.

  146. P***V

    The product corresponds to its description, the bag is sewn very qualitatively, the lines are even, all the zippers unzip gently, the size corresponds to the ordered, the material is odorless. The store sent the goods in the declared time frame, the track number was tracked, the delivery took 32 days, packed in a plastic bag, with the seller did not communicate. I recommend this product and seller. Thank you!

  147. M***a

    Cool bag

  148. I***v

    Сумка пришла до НСО за 3 недели, прислали трек что посылка ожидает на почте, но получить до праздников не было времени, получил только сегодня. Сумка по качеству выглядит не плохо, водонепроницаемая точно, замки хорошие, всё в комплекте. Продавцу спасибо.

  149. Customer

    It came quickly, the quality is satisfied. Let’s see how it will be using.

  150. U***i

    תיק איכותי מאוד, אך זמן המשלוח היה ארוך עד מאוד. לא היה את הצבע שרכשתי.

  151. K***m

    it’s very nice! this bag makes me smile. it’s amazing~

  152. R***i

    Beautiful product as in the description

  153. I***n

    I got the bag, I’m happy. Delivery through Pyaterochka was very fast, there is a compartment for wet things and shoes, I do not know how my sneakers will be, but like a bag roomy

  154. A***y

    Good quality bag, comfortable

  155. A***a

    At first glance, an excellent compact sports bag

  156. Customer

    This bag is very practical and every pocket makes sense. Fast shipping and responsive store. I recommend.

  157. A***o

    Very long delivery-to Kiev 2,5 months, in my opinion from China Courier on the bike her carriage. The bag is not bad in itself, but the material is thin, in some places seams stick out, I’m not sure that it will last a long time. Places for a standard trip to the simulator in full enough. As for me it is better to pay and buy a bag of famous sports brands.

  158. N***i

    very beautiful, enough place for one person stuff.

  159. L***g


  160. C***z

    de muy buena calidad, recomendado!

  161. V***V

    Good quality, took the second,

  162. N***a

    норм.сумка, как в описании, мне понравилась. плотная достаточно

  163. V***v

    отличные сумки!

  164. N***a

    Corresponds to the description

  165. S***d

    quality is good but not upto the mark

  166. Customer


  167. D***n

    The bag is really good. Fit back to back sneakers 42, shorts, T-shirt, sneakers, small towel, shower gel, belt, gloves, water 1,5l, everything. Gloves will not fit

  168. J***i

    Good quality

  169. R***s

    Nothing to say great bag. And fast delivery

  170. D***v

    До Полтавы ехала 65 дней, вышли сроки, очень долго, она уже и ненужна стала, но я тут тоже виноват, заказал перед новым годом. Сама сумка хорошая, но жутко пахнет из пакета (поставил выветриваться). Брал большую – но как оказалось для меня она маловата. Банально для зала тапки, кросы, полотенце, одежда, вода, гель для душа – еле влазит, так что кто еще экипировку носит – берите самую большую.

  171. A***t

    I ordered a small one, because there is already a big one. First, when the bag just came, I was afraid that I would not fit everything you need for training. And it turned out to be more than it seems))

  172. P***o

    Very small with not much space left if you put in your shoe. Quality is good but shipping is extremely slow.

  173. A***g

    The bag came in 2 weeks, to moscow. Took medium size and did not lose. For the gym the most it. Simultaneously placed sneakers (44.5 size!), slaps, shorts, t-shirt, towel, socks, a liter bottle, soaps and still enough space remains under anything (maybe in the future i will come up with). So i’m completely satisfied)) well, the quality of the bag, especially for my money-fire! For this money tried to find something in moscow-all the garbage!))

  174. A***v

    The bag is normal, pay attention that the zipper on top is single, the size is limited, the sneakers put may be inconvenient, for example

  175. *.


  176. H***v

    Everything is fine, it came in 22 days

  177. A***h

    все что нужно для тренажёрного зала поместилось, даже немного места осталось! обувь 45 размера помещается свободно) качество сумки хорошее)) карманов достаточно, что бы все необходимые принадлежности расписать!

  178. M***v

    A good, comfortable bag. I ordered my wife, I said too small. Delivery to Kiev 2 weeks.

  179. S***v

    самка шла где-то месяц. на качество хорошее, швы качественные, все как в описании

  180. Customer

    Compliant product and fast delivery.

  181. M***N

    לא משהו

  182. A***n

    Looks decent. Let’s see how it will be in use

  183. N***a

    A large capacious bag. Quality is good!

  184. R***J

    I expected it bigger, I just want to take a look at the pictures of the landscape and not the measurements (my mistake). It’s not as cheap as I thought because of the size.

  185. I***a

    отличная сумка, небольшая, но вместительная

  186. B***l

    The bag is very cool, the quality is on level but very small, the photo does not convey quality. bought a Big size, but it is even smaller than a regular backpack delivery 3 weeks. Thank you store

  187. P***r

    In Hmao, in 13 days the bag came not bad took at a discount but the fastening of the Belt and the plastic bags was very protective not to know enough.

  188. A***v

    качественный товар

  189. Y***a

    Wonderful bag. What you need!!!

  190. A***n

    Like a normal bag, though the bottom is soft

  191. R***r

    Сумка средней вместимости. Баскетбольный мяч №7 не проходит замок. Для тренажерного зала (вместе с кроссовками) в самый раз.

  192. R***r

    Сумка очень маленькая. Подходит только для принадлежностей для бассейна. Сыну 7 лет будет как раз)

  193. A***k

    Excelente calidad ya he comprado otro modelo de bolsa y son duraderas!!! Rápido envío y embalaje

  194. Z***a

    The bag is just super!! I took the average size for a man. In addition to the shoe compartment, from another end there is a flat metallized pocket (for socks??)). Came quickly, purchase satisfied. Thanks to the store))

  195. M***r

    As described. Very lightweight. Fast delivery.

  196. H***n

    эх, сумка для спорта прям впритык, если у вас просто поход в спортзал то сойдёт. а так, по средней застёжке очень маленький вход, у нормальных сумок молния открывается по 180 градусов а эта на 160-150 и неудобно внутрь ставить вещи, короче предлагаю покупать всем XL

  197. D***r

    Item matches description, just what I was looking for

  198. R***r

    10 days to Yekaterinburg, I received an order. Thank you. The bag corresponds to the description. What I was waiting for, then I got it.

  199. Customer

    The bag is the most that you need for training. I came very quickly. Recommend

  200. R***r

    The bag came very quickly. The quality is excellent! Threads do not stick out anywhere. I’m very happy.

  201. M***a

    Delivery is very fast. She took as a gift to her husband, the size of the bag seemed too small, taking into account the inner pocket for shoes. In fact, everything is appropriate, there is still a place. My husband is happy, and this is the main thing.

  202. J***r


  203. A***o

    Great bag! The size is what you need, the husband is happy

  204. J***a

    Bag quality, came a defective harness. But the store is well done, immediately reacted and sent another harness. I hope that it will come)))

  205. S***v

    Sneakers 42th got in, for the Hall what you need, neatly sewn. quickly into Moscow.

  206. G***g

    The parcel in the Central Federal District was 12 days (order 20.11, came to the Post Office 02.12). In appearance-stylish. On the one hand, the pocket inside is made on the resemblance of a thermos.

  207. Z***a

    Very fast shipping.

  208. I***k

    все просто супер. придраться , как по мне , не к чему, а учитывая ценник , сумка вообще огонь , брал самую здоровую, и она реально здоровая. рекомендую.

  209. Customer

    Wish it was a bit bigger. Should’ve gone for XL. But its compact and good enough

  210. N***a

    Внутреннее отделение для обуви идет на всю сумку. Это странно. Но в целом сумка отличная. правда воняет так, как буд-то я новую обувь из пу кожи из коробки достала. Надеюсь выветрится

  211. V***r

    сумка отличная, спасибо большое

  212. N***n

    Шло до СПБ 2 недели, забрал в постамате 5пост. Ввбор пал на размер L. Для комплекта кроссовки-шорты-футболка-полотенце-тапочки самое то, но если вам надо пихать туда что-то объёмное, будет маловата. Достаточное количество кармашков, один даже фольгирован, типа отдела-холодильника. В общем, что хотел, то и получил, будем пользоваться.

  213. K***v

    Very good quality for the price. lots of pockets. identical to the photo. accurate description. good packaging. going to order more!

  214. I***s

    Всё отлично

  215. N***a

    The bag is super, straight super, its money is exactly, for this price we can not buy anything, except from paper, everything is quality, seams, very similar to branded bags, without a hint and china, i will order more and will advise

  216. L***y

    Заказал сумку размером Small , сумка маленькая и честно говоря у меня не однозначное впечатление . С одной стороны туда влезли кроссовки , сланцы , небольшой шейкер для воды , шорты , футболка и большой гель для душа , немного места осталось , но по ощущению сумка совсем маленькая 😀 , но влезло все 😀 и я не запихивал силой , не думал что куда засунуть . Вспомнил , есть отдельный отсек для обуви и как я и писал там влезли кроссовки и сланцы , внутри место много а вот сама дыра через которую ты пропихиваешь кроссовки небольшая , но опять же у меня все влезло . Дополню тем что у меня одновременно влезли кроссовки и СЛАНЦЫ, любые другие объемные тапочки точно не полезут туда .

  217. R***v

    То что нужно. Продавец отличный, товар тоже. Логистика пятерочки отправила не в тот магазин, но это не вина продавца. Он все верно сделал.

  218. I***v

    Good quality, roomy)

  219. T***i

    I love it

  220. O***r

    The bag is cool, the son is very pleased! The child of 6 years for Sambo is no longer needed. Lots of big pockets. I came for 2 weeks, but because of the new year holidays I waited another week. The seams are even, the smell of a new thing is similar, the locks all work.

  221. V***o

    I thought it would be bigger.

  222. N***a

    Сумка очень хорошего качества. Строчки, ткань, замки прекрасного качества. Очень ждали и были очень рады. Магазин и продавца советуем всем, всем!

  223. V***R

    Thank you very much for the gift! I am very pleased 🙂 Perhaps i will order more. Thank you very much for the gift! I am very pleased 🙂 Perhaps i will order more.

  224. R***n

    From the bag is delighted, came in less than 2 weeks.

  225. E***a

    The bag is good as in the picture, the shoe compartment and wet area. I’m happy!

  226. V***r

    нормальная сумка. для зала пойдет

  227. V***h

    Привет всем. Доброго здоровья. Я очень доволен товаром, продавцом и скоростью получения товара. Все бы продавцы так работали. Спасибо за быструю и удобную доставку.

  228. D***N

    сумка соответствует заявленным характеристикам. швы с первого взгляда хорошие. но пришла с небольшим браком(((!

  229. R***v

    классная сумка

  230. A***v

    Corresponds to the description

  231. Y***v

    Great bag. The child is delighted! She arrived in central Russia in two weeks.

  232. V***v

    Excellent! What I wanted!

  233. Z***i

    Thank you

  234. G***G

    сама сумка довольно мала, подойдёт для занятий спортом разве что и в качестве детской сумки, я хотел побольше. сшита качественно, нигде ниче не торчит, ничего не выпирает, на ощупь приятная продавец молодец по части отправки – быстро прислал и четко трек отслеживался. единственное, что не понравилось – не смог разобраться в размерах из-за неточного описания, поэтому ошибся с заказом.

  235. T***v

    The bag is excellent, the fabric is good, very compact, I advise everyone, I took my wife really liked it!

  236. S***l

    Great bag. Cool. For sports for one class. Waterproof compartment

  237. A***v

    Quality norms. Before Hmao three weeks.

  238. S***n

    Отличная сумка! Не большая, но и не маленькая, то, что надо! Для спортзала – отличный вариант, влезет все необходимое. Пошита качественно. Всех с Наступающим!!!

  239. P***V

    The product corresponds to its description, the bag is sewn very qualitatively, the lines are even, all the zippers are soft, the size corresponds to the ordered, the material is odorless. The store sent the goods in declared time, track number was tracked, delivery took 62 days, packed in a plastic bag, the seller did not communicate with the need. I recommend this product and seller. Thank you!

  240. K***V

    Good bag, many pockets. Things for training, a towel, sneakers and other small things fit normally. Delivery to Yekaterinburg about a month.

  241. T***k

    small and good for traveling. Quality is also good.

  242. A***a

    The bag is cool, came very quickly in Chuvashia, about 3 weeks. Visually without complaints. Pile of Milon pocket

  243. B***N

    Llegó en el tiempo indicado. Buen material, nada que envidiar a cualquiera que compres en tienda de deportes. Los compartimentos igual que los descritos por el vendedor. El color es precioso, tal y como se ve en la foto. Espero que al beneficiario, le guste tanto como a mí

  244. D***v

    The bag is great. Got there quickly.

  245. A***a

    Bag Top! Quality… Fabric Super… Thank you store… delivery 3 weeks …. son is happy with the purchase

  246. I***a

    сумка супер, для девушки на тренировку, рекомендую

  247. R***b

    Cool Bag

  248. J***z

    Very good

  249. S***k

    It’s okay.

  250. N***v

    Товар качественный, пришёл быстро

  251. I***n

    Спасибо продавцу. Товар понравился. В подарок положил сувенир. Рекомендую.

  252. G***g

    Thank you!! It’s okay!

  253. V***a

    The bag costs its money) is satisfied with the order

  254. 6***r

    I bought a spouse as a gift for hiking in a bath. I liked the color, but with the size did not guess, it was necessary to take a little more, although it still goes with it)

  255. P***s

    Beautiful bags ,a lot of space in it ! Thank you.

  256. M***a

    In fact, it turned out to be less than expected.

  257. J***o

    perfecta, tal y lo que quería y el tamaño es bastante aceptable ni muy pequeña ni muy grande

  258. A***v

    Всё качество на 5+, доставка быстрая, магазин и продавца Рекомендую

  259. A***v

    Quality is good.

  260. A***n

    A good roomy bag. Look at the photo. Even easily fit the second gloves, a helmet and a liter bottle for drinking, as well as a tire.

  261. D***r

    Amazing the quality and how elegant this gym bag is, an excellent shopping, has several pockets and is very well manufactured. It’s a slam dunk!

  262. V***s

    Good quality, fast delivery, articles as described, here is really fun to do business! You will hear from us soon! And enjoy the holidays!!!

  263. D***D

    Ошибься с размером ( длина 38 см ) – это детский размер) Оставлю на подарок)

  264. A***a

    Всё супер!

  265. D***n

    beautiful, high-quality and quite roomy bag. I am satisfied. I recommend the store.

  266. R***h

    I ordered the big bag and yet slightly small

  267. I***r

    the bag came after 3 weeks to israel. the product description is accurate. the bad looks really good and feels high quality. the size of the beg is perfect for me, not too big and not too small. it fits my shoes (size 45) and i still have some space for my towel and clothes.

  268. T***v


  269. Z***


  270. M***v

    Ordered on Jan. 01, got on Jan. 17. The bag itself is great. Nice sewing, good material, has a lot of space. Few cons – the zipper is plastic, will see how long it will survive, and the bottom of the bag isn’t hardened. Other than that, everything else if fine. + very fast delivery, thank you!

  271. H***n

    Buy I get here to the country and for logistical problems I don’t get the product but the refund was fast

  272. R***r

    Сумка СУПЕР!!! Качество отличное, ткань плотная, замки хорошие. Заказала 30.05 в Находку пришла 17.06, что приятно удивило, быстро. Ребёнок доволен. Рекомендую.

  273. Customer

    축구화 + 물통 + 팀조끼 +장갑 + 머리띠 +씬가드 + 등등 넣기좋은 사이즈 운동복은 입고 여분장비 넣기에 좋은듯 신발 넣는곳 분리되어있고 물로 세탁해도 되는 소재라서 깨끗하게 관리하기 좋음. 앞쪽에 큰 포켓은 10인치 태블릿도 들어감. 국내에서 나이키에서 찾아보다가 신발넣는 이런포켓을 못찾아서 구입했는데 대만족. 짐많으면 옷넣어다니신다면 xl 옷입고 간단한 장비류는 빅사이즈 추천함.

  274. Customer

    as described by store

  275. K***r

    Really good product. Fast delivery (5 days after purchase) I highly recommend to buy.

  276. N***a

    Thanks to the store. The product is excellent, the bag came quickly, of excellent quality. Recommend product and seller

  277. Customer

    Товар отличного качества. Хорошо сделаны все соединения, хорошая ткань. Много карманов – внешних и внутренних. Брал сумку 55см длиной – вместила все для баскетбольной тренировки, включая мяч. Все соответствует описанию. Рекомендую! Доставка в Новосибирск – 23 дня

  278. G***r

    생각 했던 거와 같음. 좋아요

  279. S***y

    Bag twist! Thank you store, handsome!!!!!!!

  280. C***z

    I loved good seams and look tough the only catch is I would have liked a run for wearing a shoulder bag but it’s perfect

  281. P***k

    Bag Super!!!

  282. D***a

    Cool Bag! Fabric quality, dense. In the Sportmaster of this quality, the bag will cost at least 3 tr., or even more Many pockets are + Separate pocket for shoes + Pocket for a wet swimsuit + At me quietly placed sneakers, form for fitness, water. And there’s still a car left. It was possible and a small order. I think I’ll take children in the smallest size

  283. B***a

    Качество хорошее. Но очень маленькая)

  284. S***n

    Сумка качественная! Нитки не торчат, есть запах резины, но это не страшно! советую

  285. A***v

    To Bryansk for a month came, at first sight the quality is good, let’s see how further, took 850₽

  286. Y***N

    Without marriage. It’s okay.

  287. E***Y

    The bag of excellent quality is very roomy.

  288. A***v

    Normal bag for your money

  289. M***i

    отличная сумка! заказываю уже вторую, нареканий нет, продавец хороший!!

  290. F***h

    It turned out to be very large, I had to return and take the big size

  291. D***v

    The parcel was about 20 days. The bag is roomy in size. There is a pocket for wet things and a pocket for shoes or a ball with ventilation holes. The quality is good, the threads do not stick out, the seams are good, sewn soundly. Bottom reinforced.

  292. L***o

    Seller Thank you! And qualitatively and quickly! The bag is compact and comfortable. The quality of the material and seams is excellent. Well, how to use it. Everything is cool! Recommend!

  293. I***i

    Сумка очень качественная. Общение с продавцом нормальное, быстро отвечает на вопросы. Цвет соответствует, нитки не торчат, есть небольшой запах, но он уходит после стирки. Есть отсек для обуви, и отсек в вентиляцией. Качественная застежка и ручка! Пластик и железо. Размер соответсвует описанию. Рекомендую!)

  294. A***n

    Super fast delivery.. Thanks

  295. Customer

    The product arrived in good condition but the size was a smaller than I expected. Also took almost two months before I could get it from the post office

  296. E***d

    The bag is super, a bunch of pockets, roomy. The truth is not very dense material, i hope the year will last. Thank you store!!!

  297. R***v

    I did not communicate with the store. Ordered size xl, quite roomy. In the compartment under the shoes are quietly placed croissants and slippers for the shower. Quality is good with a plus. Only the shape does not hold if on the shoulder to throw, and so the norms are all.

  298. Y***y

    Took big. If there is any extra-big thread, take it. Big is not so big

  299. P***v

    Norm bag

  300. Customer

    The bag is satisfied. Quality is good. Delivery about a month.

  301. A***n

    Качество отличное. Кимоно для дзюдо сына 7 лет залетело со свистом вместе с бутылкой для воды 0.5. Однозначно рекомендую.

  302. D***s

    It turned out well sooo roomy, according to reviews thought little will be, a little less than half a day freely) by the time everything is accurate, there is no smell, everything is fine)

  303. V***v

    классная большая плотная сумка.

  304. K***v

    Bag of excellent quality! Delivery in just 10 days to the Volga region.

  305. S***s

    Сумка просто класс!!! Если честно не ожидал!!! Две пары футов вместились в карман для обуви! Шлем и перчатки в основном отделении без проблем поместились! И очень много свободного и полезного места осталось!!! ✌️Продавца рекомендую!!!

  306. N***r

    Everything is super. I took it for myself in the hall. There was a little speckling, a little thing for the hall that soul went without problems. It’s super. It was the SHCH of the trophies that had gone to school, and shcho was stabbing Chorna. Treda Bulo Brati Siru. In the cholovica taka zh Sinya-wiglae garnishe, my Chorn.

  307. D***v

    The bag is excellent: high-quality and functional. But, pancake, the size of small is very very small. Only half of the fitness stuff gets in. Put it in the far corner of the cabinet.

  308. D***d

    Super small sports bag very well designed. I love it. For fitness I put the shoes towel the shorts T-shirt and bottle of water. Perfect

  309. A***m

    Se ve de excelente calidad!!, nos dejó sorprendidos. Super recomendable igualmente la comunicación con el vendedor fueron super rápidos. Nos encantó!!

  310. A***n

    Сумка прекрасна. Конечно маловата по сравнению…но для спортзала вполне идеально. Доволен. Продавца рекомендую

  311. U***a

    The bag came quickly, the size is even more than expected

  312. K***g

    Fast shipping, cheap price, good quality. Best Kinky.

  313. T***k

    Cool bag, but for me bolshevaya)) today I wrote out an average and small size to exactly get))

  314. Y***y


  315. I***y

    отличная сумка, брал большую, влазит обувь, сменная одежда, ремень, лямки, немного перекуса в одел для этого. в целом, очень доволен.

  316. S***h

    Not a bad bag. The truth of waiting for size was more.

  317. J***o

    For 3 months the bag never came. So I can not say anything about the goods itself. The money was returned. Thank you on this.

  318. Customer

    Huge 55, compared to the previous, I will Order medium 43, quality is good, delivery to Kaluga 2 weeks, I advise the store.

  319. P***v

    очень удобная сумка, для спорта и отдыха. качество супер

  320. N***n

    빠른배송 감사

  321. I***r

    really good product thanks for fast delivery

  322. A***a

    The bag is not bad, came quickly. There is a compartment for shoes, wet towels

  323. A***o

    Сумка меньше, чем выглядит на фото. Но вместительная, поместилось все: комплект одежды для зала и бассейна. Качество отличное. Много удобных карманов.

  324. T***v

    It is smaller than it looks. They say thi big one is in the middle, but in fact is not so big. Otherwise good quality.

  325. K***k

    Очень понравилась сумка, брали ребёнку в бассейн. Качество отличное

  326. M***v

    Sent the wrong size, but the quality of the bag is good, compensation confirmed.

  327. A***n

    Удобная сумка

  328. G***g

    The bag was delivered in the stated time, the quality is simply chic. Stitched very well. I did not think that the maximum size would be so large. I will use it with pleasure. Store prosperity and success. The store has sent everything very quickly.

  329. Customer

    All have come, good quality

  330. A***k

    The bag came. Whole. Came quickly

  331. K***n

    Parfait rien à redire très beau sac.

  332. B***n

    A little small for a big damage… I will watch what is bigger… Take the XL

  333. Customer

    Сумка что надо, берите не задумываясь. Средняя по размеру – в самый раз.

  334. E***a

    A good handbag, I liked everything. Not enough of course, it was necessary to take a large size. But it seems like everything you need is getting in. A container of food, sneakers, a towel and all sorts of small things.

  335. K***a

    Very big

  336. Customer

    Fine sports bag. Many handy pockets. Called to the small lace

  337. O***b

    Заказывала сумку 2 раз в другой расцветке. в отличии от предыдущей, в этой нет непромокаемого бокового кармана с торца сумки. Непромокаемый карман идёт вдоль сумки из плотной пленки. Надеюсь, что не порвётся в процессе эксплуатации.

  338. Customer

    the bag is ok… but way too small for ‘big’ size

  339. M***n

    I ordered the size small, to surprise everything fit well, sneakers (42), sneakers, t-shirt, tights, socks, towel, soapy. Close, of course, but fit. Of the minuses is the lack of attachment to the handle of the suitcase (my fault did not see). Actually for this reason i will order a larger bag. To place a photo does not see the point, all that the store provided more than enough

  340. W***w

    сумка огонь. карманов много.швы хорошие. доставка до Воронежа 2 недели. Сумка гораздо оказалась лучше чем ожидалось. Огромное спасибо продавцу…

  341. D***r

    Сумка вообще не понравилась. Дно просто тряпка, ручки – тонкие ленты, которые перекручиваются. Выглядит гораздо хуже, чем на фото. Маленькая. Сначала подумал, что прислали что-то не то, ведь я заказывал BIG. Промерял линейкой – 40 см. Ничего в нее не влезает, непонятно, что вообще с ней делать.

  342. L***a

    The bag is very good

  343. R***r

    Сумка очень хорошая. жена забрала себе. Я заказал еще одну, но побольше.

  344. Customer

    Не в первый раз покупаю в этом магазине. Понадобилась сумка побольше, взял эту. По размеру почти как дорожная))), качество отличное. Всё соответствует описанию. Продавец оперативно отвечает. С сумкой положил небольшой сувенир, спасибо.

  345. A***v

    Отличная сумка, качество супер, доставка 3 недели до СПб, для бокса – берите самую большую, тогда ещё и шлем влезет, средняя маловата

  346. M***v


  347. E***r

    It looks good with good material but i thought it was going to be bigger but it is smaller then i expected. I hope it will fit all my sports gear.

  348. B***m

    Excellent size amid a good raw process I recommend buying I loved it very much

  349. C***G

    I did not receive the gym bag, which is a pity. Ali Express organized a refund. Thank you Ali Express.

  350. A***A

    10 of 10

  351. R***z

    Product was as advertised. High quality and everything working as it should.

  352. A***h

    The bag is very small-although I took the size of a large, I literally fit shorts and a T-shirt. I do not recommend for such a price.

  353. A***d


  354. P***r

    Very good quality. Shipped very fast. Order xL for more space it can only store one track suit easily but not more than that

  355. R***a

    спасибо большое,,хорошая сумка ,брала мужу для спецодежды и рабочих ботинок,пришла очень быстро,где-то за 3 дня

  356. J***e

    A good bag, perfect for going to the gym

  357. U***o

    Bag super quality, bought her husband for a sports hall, was very pleased

  358. A***o

    Очень хорошая сумка,со множеством корманов

  359. M***v

    Good bag, but chose too big… Now i ordered a smaller one. Came a month before orenburg

  360. Customer

    S очень маленькая, как игрушечная(((

  361. Z***v

    In general, the bag is good, but that really size L is more like S, and s it’s more female beautician)))) L for baby vlasite kimono, Clapper, leg protection and helmet. For an adult need definitely XL

  362. R***r

    Fast. Qualitatively.

  363. V***a

    The bag is good, comfortable, quality. I took a small one, just enough for me

  364. M***a

    Very fast come to Japan. Thanks!

  365. Customer

    Сумка очень маленькая. Просто даже не ожидал. После того, как подержал ее в руках, руки окрасились в черный цвет. Изначально красится, посмотрим, что будет потом. Торчат нитки, но не критично

  366. I***V

    Excellent bag and fast delivery! I recommend the goods and the store.

  367. S***n


  368. A***i

    годная сумка, думал что будет большая как на фото. кюуместился весь комплект для бокса – шлем, перчатки и наколенники. Кроссы думаю тоже влезут. брал самый большой

  369. S***v

    Сумка как на фото в описании, размеры совпадают . Очень качественная. Рекомендую продавца 100%)

  370. A***k

    Bag as in the photo. normal

  371. V***n

    На фото сравнение размеров на человеке не точное. Сумка меньше чем кажется

  372. B***s

    Very good. Delivery period, packaging condition are all perfect. The store is really the best.

  373. A***k

    The bag is slightly smaller than expected. However, the functionality is quite decent. Good quality materials. Took in order to go to the gym, that’s today and roll it)

  374. A***i

    Very good product. Arrived faster than expected. Really advice

  375. A***v

    пришла быстро. качество хорошие.

  376. S***w

    A good bag, on the one hand a place for shoes, on the other for food (foil coating). And so many pockets for small things

  377. Customer

    Nothing Good

  378. A***v

    Отличная сумка, маленькая, компактная как хотел

  379. Customer

    Well packaged and according to description. It’s a little small.

  380. S***a

    сумка классная, вместительная

  381. R***r

    Everything came very quickly bag comfortable reliable thanks to the store

  382. D***n

    Долгая доставка 45 дней!

  383. K***y

    Good quality bag. The parcel came quickly.

  384. J***n

    very nice

  385. Customer


  386. M***k

    Брал сумку для зала и первое впечатление – супер! Выбрал размер XL и не пожалел: сумка вместительная, с множеством отделений. Из интересного – отдел для обуви и отдел для мокрого. На фото это сумка со всем для зала и для бассейна, и туда еще можно положить как минимум столько же. Единственное, что может смутить это пластиковые карабины. Посмотрю как поведет себя в носке и дополню отзыв.

  387. T***v

    Заказывал XL для бокса. В самый раз! Перчатки, боксерки в специальный отсек для обуви, одежда, и ещё останется место для полотенца, тапочек для душа. Капу, бинты и прыгалку можно положить в отдельный внешний карман. Сумкой доволен, но шла долго. Кто-то за меня подтвердил получение и нужно было писать отзыв. Открыл спор, спустя неделю сумка пришла. Спор отменил, так как было рассмотрение до 24.01. В целом сумка очень понравилась, качественная, торчащих ниток не нашёл. Рекомендую!

  388. F***l


  389. B***y

    Order arrived in 12 days. The bag is cool, my wife liked it!)

  390. R***r

    Товар пришёл в срок. Сумкой доволен, качество хорошее, удобная. Ожидал, что будет больше по размерам, но опять же всё необходимое входит в неё. В общем советую.

  391. D***v

    The bag really liked, the quality is good, the zippers are reliable, there is no smell.

  392. N***o

    Отличная сумка! Все как в описании. Очень хорошее качество! Единственное очень ждали в этот раз, наверное из за новогодних праздников.

  393. O***h

    Отличная сумка хорошего качества. Продавец вложил подарок.

  394. S***o

    The description is correct, the bag is excellent! Very comfortable, not bulky, all things for training fit. The store put the shampoo pouch as a gift, thank you!

  395. J***i

    perfeito. o produto é exatamente como está na descrição. chegou no prazo previsto,

  396. O***a

    Отличная сумка! Все продумано, сделано хорошо. Товар рекомендую.

  397. J***n

    Small, even XL

  398. I***a

    Bag Super! Compact in size and at the same time very roomy. For the gym is what you need.

  399. N***s

    Hello! The bag is excellent. I did not regret that i took it once. When unpacking there is a smell, but it is weathered and no problems. It’s scary to imagine what those who sew them breathe. Thank you for your attention

  400. D***n

    I order the second one. The first time I saw the girl take it. Very cool and thoughtful bag.

  401. J***d

    un peu petit

  402. V***v

    хорошая сумка для тренировки

  403. J***g

    I got the large bag but it’s still pretty small. Quality isn’t that great either. Just aim for the good price.

  404. N***n

    Это тот минимальный объем который необходим. Кроссовки 45 размера, сланцы, шейкер, полотенце, очки для плавания в футляре, шорты и футболка для тренировки. Подходит для похода в басейн – имеет отсек для мокрого.

  405. A***k

    Отличная сумка

  406. 4***r

    It is great bag. It seems to be small, but is big. I am glad buying this bag. The color is nice and the size is correct.

  407. G***n

    For a very long time I went to order 3 months. I thought I ‘d never come. The bag is slightly smaller in size than I thought, the quality of locks-lightning is weak, divergent. The fabric is normal in quality.

  408. A***o

    Сумка просто бомба, доставка 21 день, Описанию соответствует, качество материала отличное плотное, внутренняя часть хорошая большая, имеется внутренний карман. Наружные корманы достаточно большие, есть карман для обуви который входит во внутреннее пространство сумки. Сумка качественная 100%.рекомендую к покупке однозначно. Спасибо продавцу и магазину за качественную вещь. Люди берите не пожалеете. Для спортика само то.

  409. P***a

    Beautiful bag, I fell in love with her

  410. S***s


  411. 6***r

    The bag came quickly, about two weeks. The quality of the material is good, the fittings are working. No defects. Purchase satisfied.

  412. A***n

    Взял несколько штук. Качество нормальное. Только запакованы в рванные пакеты, странно

  413. A***m

    The xl size is normal and good..don’t think about ordering a smaller size. Overall the bag quality is good.

  414. S***v

    Everything came quickly, the quality is at altitude.

  415. Customer

    The shipping was speedy and good, but I was surprised that the package broke. It was good that there were no scratches.

  416. O***a

    I go to the gym, for me the bag is too small. Duty towel, sneakers, shower slippers, shampoo, rinse, shower gel, washcloth, dry clean linen (panties and bra), two brushes. All right, i need more. And so the quality is not bad.

  417. Customer


  418. D***a

    exactly as I time and as good as in pictures.

  419. Y***v

    Looks good

  420. M***i

    كما في الوصف وصلت بوقت جيد

  421. M***i

    وصلت بوقت جيد المنتج جيد جدا و كما في الوصف

  422. D***v

    I liked the bag. In the pool to take things the most.

  423. E***a

    The bag is not bad, it performs its functions. Sewn normally, threads do not stick out anywhere. The material, it seemed to me, is thin. I like the bag. Whether it is worth your money, it is a complex and rhetoric question, all requirements and opportunities are different. The only thing that confuses, as it will be in winter, at negative temperatures. It is made of nylon, for winter may not fit. With the store did not communicate, there was no need. Seller recommend. Eh sorry few photos can be added.

  424. E***a

    The bag is super. Recommend. In Krasnoyarsk came for 15 days

  425. R***s

    The first impressions are positive, looks chic. Only came all the crumpled, had to steam. Time will show what it is in battle, later I will add a review

  426. A***v

    Good bag, small

  427. I***n

    The bag for such money is simply gorgeous. Starting from smooth stitches, finishing with the quality of the fabric. Inside is a very good and dense lining. The husband is very pleased

  428. A***o

    Сумку получил, дефектов нет. Смотрится неплохо.

  429. A***v

    Good sports bag.

  430. J***s

    The quality is good, it came quickly, but the size is still too small for sports. They climbed shoes and sports themselves, and a towel, rubber slippers and cosmetics already did not. I should have taken big.

  431. A***a

    Es la segunda vez que compro con este vendedor y la experiencia es la misma 🙂 los artículos llegan rápido y de excelente calidad. Super recomendable

  432. G***v

    Качество хорошее, покупкой доволен

  433. N***A

    Качественный пошив, подкладка изнутри, швы ровные ничего не торчит. Доволен сумкой.

  434. Customer

    Отличная вещь: стильная и качественная

  435. M***m


  436. S***v

    The bag is very satisfied. All as in the picture. The store only sent a month after the order and went sooo long.

  437. N***k

    Хорошая, удобная сумка. Пошита качественно. Для спорта самое то! Продавца рекомендую.

  438. L***z

    Very comfortable with my order, quality great price, I recommend

  439. A***k

    Nice bag. Cloth is dense. There’s a little smell. There are no complaints about sewing

  440. R***m

    Хорошая качественная сумка! Спасибо.

  441. I***y

    finally arrived at my place until 71 days because the bad weather. thanks for store to comunicate.

  442. M***a

    A good bag, small, but all you need is included 🙂 for me what you need!

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